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Before the Civil War, most slaves were born into slavery because the importation of slaves was made illegal. As a result, most of the freed slaves did not know how to live as free people. After Reconstruction, whites were able to maintain control over blacks by keeping them in poverty and by keeping them segregated. They were kept in poverty when their former masters would give them land to farm, known as sharecropping, while paying them very little to do this. Also, when blacks and whites were segregated, the quality of whatever was given to the blacks was usually unequal to the quality of what was given to the whites, for example education and jobs.

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Q: How did white conservatives maintain control over blacks after reconstruction ended?
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The racial tensions were increased because of Reconstruction. Whites thought the Freedman's Bureau would give Blacks handouts and make them lazy. During Reconstruction Southerners created the Black codes as a way to stifle any progress that Blacks attempted to make.