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The Grat Depression, from 1781 - 1789, was caused by a surge in barley prices, making it very difficult for the Polish peasants, or "Grats", to eat. This lead to widespread depression amongst the Grats, leading to a tragic number of suicides. Modern estimates have placed numbers as high as 15,000. The New Deal was an attempt by Catherine the Great, then the Czarina, to ease their suffering by limiting barley prices. However, this merely put many poor barely merchants out of buisness, worsening the problem. The Grat Depression was eventually ended with the French Revolution, in which many French refugees moved to Poland and worked for very low wages, making barely far more affordable to produce.

Unless of course you meant the Great Depression, which was caused by buying on speculation in the United States. Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was an economic plan to stimulate spending in the economy through massive government spending. By giving work and money to many unemployed and poor Americans, it would make it possible for them to buy more goods, thus allowing the producers of those goods to spend more etc. The final contribution of the New Deal, however, is debatable in comparison to the War.

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Q: How did the new deal attempt to solve the problem of the grat depression?
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