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Q: How did the Aztec system of government contribute to its downfall?
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Why did the Aztec empire remain politically unstable?

Because the Aztecs didn't set up their own rulers in the conquered territories. They allowed the old government to stay in power as long as they payed tribute and were loyal to the Aztec emperor. Without an Aztec in power in the conquered city states, some of them could rise against the Aztecs, as they did when the empire fell to the hands of the Spanish conquistadors

Where was the Aztec government?

The Aztec Government was in Machu Picchu

Which European nation directly led to the downfall of the Aztec and Inca empires?

Spain mate

What caused the downfall of Inca and Aztec?

Francisco Pizarro captured the In can emperor Atahualpa and killed them

What did the government in Aztec do?

government in the Aztec were in charge to collect taxes. From: Harry Vasquez

Did Cortes cause the downfall of the Aztec empire?

Yes, he mobilized nine thousand of his own troops and a hundred-thousand regional troops, with all those men they conqured the Aztec Empire. :)

What factors contributed to the fall of the Aztec?

Several factors contributed to the downfall of the Aztec Empire. These are primitive weapons, poor military training, religion, cultural differences among the tribes and disease.

What were some of Aztec political developments?

Some key Aztec political developments included the establishment of a hierarchical system of government with an emperor at the top, the creation of tribute and taxation systems to support the empire, and the development of a complex legal system that governed various aspects of Aztec society. The Aztecs also implemented a system of military conquest to expand their empire and consolidate power.

What factors contributed the fall of the Aztec empire?

Several factors contributed to the downfall of the Aztec Empire. These are primitive weapons, poor military training, religion, cultural differences among the tribes and disease.

What factors contributed to the fall of the Aztec empire?

Several factors contributed to the downfall of the Aztec Empire. These are primitive weapons, poor military training, religion, cultural differences among the tribes and disease.

What caused the downfall of the Aztec empire?

two things: 1.Spainish conquest and 2. European diseases ( smallpox Mainly).