Some goals President Sam Houston had were annex Texas to the USA, control economy, and handle President Santa Anna
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Sam Houston became president on October 22,1836.
Sam Houston.
Sam Houston in Knoxville
Texas Independence.
Sam Houston was not a president of the united states
Some goals President Sam Houston had were annex Texas to the USA, control economy, and handle President Santa Anna
His victory at the Battle of San Jacinto led to Independence for Texas.
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Houston is named after Sam Houston
He was the Governor of two US States. He was a US Senator. He was the first and third President of the Republic of Texas.
Sam Houston He was a US Senator at the time
Houston was nicknamed after Sam Houston.
Primary goals are the first or most important goals. Things you are directly trying to accomplish. Secondary goals are things you wish to accomplish but will forgo to accomplish primary goals And so on.
William Rogers Houston was Sam Houston's son.
Sam Houston's mother was Elizabeth Paxton Houston.