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Q: How did Richard Henry lee describe the changes congress made?
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Was Richard Henry Lee on the Continental Congress in 1774?

Yes Virginian Richard Henry Lee was in the Continental Congress in 1774- 1780, 1784-1787

What did Richard henry lee do?

Richard Henry Lee was a delegate at the Second Continental Congress from Virginia. He was the one to make the formal proposal of independence from England to the Congress.

Who officially proposed independence to congress?

Richard Henry Lee

Who introduced a resolution of independence in the Continental Congress?

Richard Henry Lee

Who called for a resolution in the continental congress for independence from Britain?

Richard Henry Lee

When did the congress vote on Richard Henry lee's resoution for independence?

on July 2,1776

Who proposed the resolution of congress June 7 1775?

Richard Henry Lee

Delegates who proposed independence?

The resolution was moved in congress by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia on instructions from that colony's legislature.

In June of 1776 who introduced a resolution of independence in the Continental Congress?

Richard Henry Lee introduced the resolution calling for independence from England.

Was Richard Henry lee a delegate of Virginia?

Richard Henry Lee was a delegate from Virginia to the Second Continental Congress that adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Virginia representative who proposed the independence resolution to congress?

Richard Henry Lee introduced the resolution for independence to the second Continental Congress. It was call the Lee Resolution and introduced on June 7, 1776.

In June of 1776 he introduced a resolution of independence in the continental congress?

Richard Henry lee