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He earned the support of the working class. Juan Peron was a military officer who became a politician. He served as a government minister and then was appointed VP by the junta that ruled in the 1940s. Just after his apointment, he met Evita Duarte, an actress of humble origins who would become his mistress, and later on, his wife. Peron himself was a lackluster politician who supported fascism and admired Hitler and Mussolini. Although he proved to be an adequate leader who instituted reforms to help the poor and working class, it was Evita, a minor radio actress, who was the real force behind his popularity. She campaiged and helped him win the presidency, then lobbied on his behalf and gained the support of the labor unions, and by extension, of working class people in Argentina. She made very public gestures to help the poor and working class, and encouraged her husband to develop policies and programs to benefit them. She also supported and fought for the right to vote for Argentinian women (she was also pragmatic--she knew with their support, she and her husband could remain in power). In the early 1950s, Evita announced that she was running for VP of the country alongside her husband as President--she received immense support from the country's poor and working class, but the upper classes and the military were not keen on the idea and she was forced to withdraw her candidacy. She also was ill and just a year after announcing her candidacy, she succumbed to cancer. She was very young (early 30s) and the poor and working class in Argentina, for the most part, were devastated by the loss. A few years after Evita's death, Peron was exiled and his social programs dismantled; he fled to Venezuela, then Panama, then Spain, and watched in dismay as the military and the upper classes attempted to besmirch his and Eva's reputation. It failed. Peron returned to Argentina during the 1970s and served a third term as President, but the stresses of fighting against the military establishment and the oligarchy (the real powers behind Argentina's government) caused him ill health and he died of a heart attack in 1974.

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Q: How did Juan Peron gain power in Argentina?
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How did Juan Peron gain his political support in Argentina?

Peron pitted himself against his opponent and developed a five year plan. His wife helped him gain support from women.

What describe the method Juan Peron used to gain political support in Argentina?

He gained the support of the workers.

What best describes the method juan peron to gain political support in Argentina?

He gained the support of the workers.

How did Juan Peron gain popularity?

by gining the poor argentineans help

What best describes the method Juan Peron used to gain political support in Argentina?

Juan Peron used a combination of populism, nationalism, and social welfare policies to gain political support in Argentina. He appealed to the working class by implementing labor rights, promoting economic stability, and advocating for social justice, which helped him secure a strong base of support among the people. Additionally, Peron's charismatic leadership style and ability to connect with the masses contributed to his popularity and established him as a dominant political figure in Argentina.

Which best describes the method for juan peron used to gain political support in Argentina?

Juan Peron gained political support in Argentina by appealing to the working class and labor unions, implementing social welfare programs, and promoting a populist message of nationalism and economic independence. He also utilized propaganda, mass rallies, and a strong charismatic personality to maintain his political base.

How did Juan Peron gain support of the Argentineans?

Juan Peron supported the working and laboring class and the organized labor movement. He also built support among the country's urban & working class and the Unions. he also became very popular when his affair with Eva, who he later married, became public. This gained him popularity because Eva was so much younger than Peron and people love gossip. Overall he portrayed himself as a good guy who just wanted to help the people of Argentina.

Which best describes the method juan peron used to gain poltical support in argeintiana?

Juan Peron gained political support in Argentina by implementing populist policies that appealed to the working class, such as increasing wages, improving workers' rights, and providing social welfare programs. He also cultivated a strong public persona and used propaganda to promote his image as a champion of the people. Additionally, he created a political movement, Peronism, which emphasized nationalist and anti-imperialist sentiments to rally support.

How did Juan peron gain power?

Juan Peron was an Argentinian military officer and President. He was a part of the military that carried out the 1943 coup against president Ramón Castillo. He later served as Minister of Labor and Vice President in the military junta led administration. He later severed ties with junta and ran for the president in 1946 elections. He was elected thrice as president and remained as president till 1955 when he was overthrown. He however, made a comeback and again won elections in 1973 and died in 1974 as an incumbent president.

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