no it did not it started if whether or not they should have slaves
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Federal income taxes started in 1861 but this lapsed after the American Civil War. In 1913, federal taxes came back and have been in place since then.
poll taxes and literacy tests
From the 1790s to World War I the largest source of revenue was tariffs. Then it became income taxes.
The constitution granted congress the authority to levy taxes. Initially congress collected taxes from the states, not from individual citizens. But congress authorized a variety of levies and taxes, and an income tax during the Civil War which became permanent in 1913.Before World War I the United States relied most heavily on international tariffs, essentially a sales tax on imported goods.
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How did the Civic religion have anything to do with the Civil War?
He practiced civil disobedience by not paying taxes to protest the war.
no but his two sons were in the civil war
All wars are paid for by taxes.
The government had to pay off the War Debt.
taxes da!
Emmett Till didn't do anything in the Civil War. He wasn't even alive when the Civil War occurred.
The Civil War doesn't stand for anything.
No. My name is not Charles and I was not alive in the Civil War. Which "Charles" are you talking about?