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no it did not it started if whether or not they should have slaves

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Q: Did the Civil War have anything to do with taxes?
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He practiced civil disobedience by not paying taxes to protest the war.

Did Frederick Douglass anything in the civil war?

no but his two sons were in the civil war

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What paid for the Civil War?

All wars are paid for by taxes.

Why were taxes so high after the civil war?

The government had to pay off the War Debt.

How did the US raise money during the civil war?

taxes da!

What did Emmett Till do in the Civil War?

Emmett Till didn't do anything in the Civil War. He wasn't even alive when the Civil War occurred.

What does each letter stand for n the civil war?

The Civil War doesn't stand for anything.

Did Charles you have anything to do with the English Civil War?

No. My name is not Charles and I was not alive in the Civil War. Which "Charles" are you talking about?