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The motto was only added to bills in the late 1950s, so any bill printed before that time will not have it and is NOT an error.

The 1935 series was actually printed well into the 1950s so some 1935-G and all 1935-H bills have it; any with a lower series letter will not. A 1935-G bill with the motto is somewhat scarce and is worth about $5.

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Q: Did the 1935 silver certificate have the words In God We Trust on it?
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How much silver in American coins?

None. Last year of use - $1 coins : 1935 Half dollars : 90% silver, 1964; 40% silver, 1969 Dimes and quarters : 1964 Nickels : 1942 to 1945 only. Cents : never.

What is Value of a 1935-A gold certificate dollar bill?

There were no $1 gold certificates. If your bill has a yellow seal it's a special note issued during WWII for use by troops in North Africa.

Who is the president on the silver-dollar?

There is no president on the only silver dollars intended for circulation. All the dollar coins containing silver for general circulation had an image of Liberty and were last minted in 1935. However, the Eisenhower dollar coin minted from 1971-1978 are the same size as the earlier silver dollar coins, but they ones intended for circulation contain absolutely no silver and should not be called silver dollars. These dollar coins minted from 1971-1978 contain a portrait of Dwight Eisenhower on them.

Was the one dollar silver certificate 1935f signed by Henry Morgenthau Jr also really printed in 1950?

Actually it was much later than that - 1935F bills were issued from 1957 to 1961. See the listings below. The 1935 series was one of the longest-issued bill designs. At that time the practice was to change a series date only when a new design was issued. At that time the BEP was opposed to changing designs, so the same series year was used for 3 decades. Today a new series is introduced every time a new Secretary of the Treasury takes office. Series 1935 and 1935A issued between Jan 1935 and Jul 1945 Series 1935 B issued between Jul 1945 and Jul 1946 Series 1935 C issued between Jul 1946 and May 1949 Series 1935 D issued between Jun 1949 and Jan 1953 Series 1935 E issued between Jan 1953 and Jul 1957 Series 1935 F issued between Jul 1957 and Jan 1961 along with Series 1957 Series 1935 G issued between Jan 1961 and Apr 1962 along with Series 1957 A Series 1935 H issued between Jan 1963 and Mar 1965 along with Series 1957 B

When was In God We Trust adopted for US coins?

In God We Trust first appeared on the "new" 2-Cent coin in 1864. It was the height of the Civil War - and fearing that if the war completely destroyed our nation, they didn't want future archaeologists to unearth our coins and deem us a godless civilization. Thus the motto was added, and stayed on our coins as tradition - then added to our paper money as well, starting in 1935.Added:The phrase was added to paper money starting in 1957, not 1935.

Related questions

What is the value of a 1935 silver certificate without motto In God We Trust?

$1 1963e with out "in god we trust"

What is the value of a series 1935E silver certificate one dollar bill with out the words In God We Trust printed on the back?

All 1935-E Silver Certificates were printed without the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" ... this was not added until Series 1935-G. In circulated condition, it's worth about $2.00 A nice crisp uncirculated one is worth about $5.00

Is your 1935 G silver certificate without in God you trust worth more?

It isn't an error, In God We Trust wasn't added to US bills until the 1950s or so. That being said, 1935 silver certificates are worth more than their face value, but the fact that it doesn't say In God We Trust doesn't make it worth more than another 1935 G certificate in the same condition.

What is the value of an H one dollar silver certificate with In God We Trust on the back of it?

The only bill fitting that description is a 1935 H $1 bill. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1935 H US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.

What is the value of a 1935 D US silver certificate?

Normally it would be necessary to have its denomination but the only bill fitting that description is a $1 silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1935 D US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for detailed information.

How rare is a 1935 1 dollar silver certificate?

Most of them aren't rare. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1935 US 1 dollar silver certificate?"

What is the value of a 1935 A silver dollar certificate?

Whatsthe value on 1935 A 1935 D, silver dollar certificates..? good condition.

What is the value of a silver certificate 1935 D?

Normally it would be necessary to have its denomination but the only bill fitting that description is a $1 silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1935 D US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for detailed information.

What is the value of a series 1935E silver certificate one dollar bill with out the words in God We Trust printed on the back and a seris L7875 on the front?

All Series 1935-E Silver Certificates were printed without the IN GOD WE TRUST on the back -- this is normal for those notes. This motto was not added until 1935-G In circulated condition, it's worth about $2.00 A nice Crisp Uncirculated one is worth about $5.00

What is the value of 1935 E us silver certificate?

Normally it would be necessary to have its denomination but the only bill fitting that description is a $1 silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1935 E US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for detailed information.

What is the value of a 1935 E US silver certificate?

Normally it would be necessary to have its denomination but the only bill fitting that description is a $1 silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1935 E US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for detailed information.

What is the value of a 1935 B US silver certificate?

Normally it would be necessary to have its denomination but the only bill fitting that description is a $1 silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1935 B US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for detailed information.