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Q: Did Moses Austin lead the development of the American lead industry?
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Why is Moses Austin famous?

Moses Austin is famous because he was the founder of the lead industry in the United States. He was also the father of one of the leading settlers of Texas.

What was Moses Austin's nickname?

Moses Austin was known as the "Father of Texas" for his role in establishing the first Anglo-American settlement in the region and his efforts to bring American colonists to Texas.

Who were Stephen F Austin's parents?

Moses Austin

Who was Stephen Austin's dad in the Mexican-American war?

Moses Austin was Stephen's father, but both were long dead when the Mexican American War began.

What are facts about Moses Austin?

One Moses Austin died 1812, married Lucy Seward died 1808, dau. of Nathaniel Seward & Concurrence Crane This Moses Austin & Lucy Seward are buried in Center Street Cemetery. lived in Durham, CT. Another Moses Austin born 4 Oct 1761 died 10 June 1821 married Mary Brown of Phila. Pa., he was a merchant in Philadelphia, worked at the Stephen Austin Import Company. This Moses Austin's father has a brother Stephen, he had a son Stephen F Austin by wife Mary Brown: Moses is considered founder of the lead industry. The tomb of this Moses Austin is in Potosi, Missouri.

Is Moses Austin the brother of Stephen F Austin?

Moses Austin and Stephen F. Austin were not brothers. Stephen F. Austin was Mose's Austin son.

When did Moses Austin Bryan die?

Moses Austin Bryan died in 1895.

When was Moses Austin Bryan born?

Moses Austin Bryan was born in 1817.

What American got the idea of colonizing Texas?

Hosny Mubarak el sharmoot

Did Moses Austin have siblings?

No Moses Austin did not have siblings. He did have a daughter named Emily Perry and a grandson named Moses Bryan.

Moses Austin is known for?

Moses Austin had the first grant to settle 300 families in Texas!(:

Who was Stephen Austin Moses Austin's brother?
