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While some believe that George W. Bush and the United States government perpetrated the September 11 attacks, hard evidence to the contrary exists against it.

A detailed 2005 Popular Mechanics report debunks theories held by the 9/11 Truth movement supporting a theory of government involvement, including the impact of Flight 175 to the South Tower, what item hit the tower in question (military plane, missile, etc), and the collapse of the towers due to bombs within the structure.

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Q: Did George Bush knock down the twin towers?
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Did bush knock down the towers?

He did.Why would he. Does he earn any money by doing so?

What changes have happened since 1948?

2001-Twin towers knocked down by terrorists

Who made the twin towers fall down?

The terrorist group called Al Qaeda

Is George Washington chopping down cherry trees to this day?

No George Washington is not chopping down tress to this day. He died December 14, 1799.

Which president said' read my lips no new taxes?

And I'm the one who will not raise taxes. My opponent now says he'll raise them as a last resort, or a third resort. But when a politician talks like that, you know that's one resort he'll be checking into. My opponent, my opponent won't rule out raising taxes. But I will. And the Congress will push me to raise taxes and I'll say no. And they'll push, and I'll say no, and they'll push again, and I'll say, to them, 'Read my lips: no new taxes.'- George H. W. Bush, at the 1988 Republican National ConventionBush's infamous pledge has gone down in history as one of the most disastrous ever campaign promises. It was made assuming that the good economic growth of the late 1980s would continue during his Presidency. Instead, the economy went into a recession in 1990. After initially resisting pressure from the Democratic-controlled Congress, Bush eventually agreed to tax raises.Although the issue was initially swept aside by the Gulf War, it returned to haunt Bush in 1992 when he was challenged in a Primary by Pat Buchanan. After he was nominated, Bush's final opponent was Bill Clinton, who used the broken pledge to suggest Bush was untrustworthy. Clinton won the election.Conservative pundits later voiced the opinion that Bush would have been easily reelected if had kept to his word. On the other hand, the Democrats and Bush's economic advisor Richard Darman believed that Bush's mistake was in making the promise, not the actual raising of taxes.

Related questions

Who was president when the twin towers came down?

George W. Bush

Did bush knock down the towers?

He did.Why would he. Does he earn any money by doing so?

Why did osama knock down the twin towers?

well osama wanted to knock down the twin towers because he wanted to get pay back

What day did the Iraq knock down the twin tower?

Iraq did not knock down the Twin Towers

Did one plane knock down the twin towers?

No, the planes did not knock the Twin Towers down. They collapsed minutes after the planes hit and some are still skeptical as to why the collapses happened.

How many airplanes did it take to knock down the twin towers?

Two planes hit the towers.

Did the people who crashed the twin towers down knock them down on purpose?


Who send the airplanes to knock down the twin towers?


What is the best army in backyard monsters?

6 daves and 6 zafreetis or first 30 pxes to knock down all the defensive towers and if you knock down all the defensive towers you can now take out the rest

What did Osama bin Laden do to America?

he knocked the twin towers down in new york and hijack some planes in the sky and he sent his troops to knock down some of the towers

What did George Bush do during World War 2?

The elder George Bush (George H W Bush) was an airplane pilot during the war. He was shot down in combat but survived by parachuting out. The younger George Bush (George W Bush) was not born until after the war ended.

When did Bin Ladin knock down the Twin Towers?

Bin Ladin did not personally destroy the Twin Towers, he supplied the financial backing and organizational support for those who actually did the job. The Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11, 2001.