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The executive branch is the name for the President and his Cabinet.

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9y ago

Legislature, Congress (in the U.S.), or Parliament (in many other countries).

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The President, the Commander in Chief, and the code name of the moment given by the secret service.

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the congress

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The President of the US

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Senate or Congress

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the 'General Court'

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What is the other name of state legislature?

The legislative branch is also known as the law making branch.

Which branch can impeach members of other branches?

The Legislative Branch(:

What another name for the legislative branch?

Congress is the legislative branch.

What branch can approve treaties?

The Legislative branch but more specifically the Senate. The president proposes but the Senate must approve by 2/3 of the vote.

Judaical branch legislative branch and what other one?

It is the executive branch.

Name levels of govnerment?

executive branch legislative branch judical branch

Which power belongs to the legeslative branch?

The legislative branch creates the laws. A good way to remember this is legislate rhymes with create! Another name for the legislative branch is the "LEGISLATIVE POWER"

What are the names of houses in the legislative branch?

The Legislative Branch mainly consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Other state lawmaking bodies are also part of the Legislative Branch.

What branch of the government handles with the taxes?

There are lots of people saying its congress, well congress is not a BRANCH!! Its the legislative people, this is CORRECT!! :) :) not the other weird stuff, a branch is either the legislative, or judicial, or executive, congress is the WHOLE thing. False - Congress is just another name for the legislative branch, not the whole thing.

Name one branch of the federal gov?

legislative branch, judicial branch, and executive branch

Name one branch or part of the gov.?

Legislative (other two are Executive and Judicial)

What is the name given to the legislative branch?

the lawmaking branch -LV