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Certainly one can (and should) drink something during a filibuster, since by design it's intended to take a while.

If this question refers to alcohol consumption during the proceedings, that too is legal. It's in exceptionally bad form and I'd be surprised to find anyone overtly ever did such a thing, but there certainly isn't a law against it.

Adults are allowed to consume alcohol freely.

It's unlikely that the voters would approve, and it would certainly harm the credibility of a politician's status to do so, but there's nothing that would prevent them from doing so during a filibuster other than common sense and social awareness.

Yes, they're technically allowed to consume alcohol. It wouldn't be very wise, but it's allowed.

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10mo ago

The rules regarding drinking during a filibuster vary depending on the specific legislative body and its rules. In many cases, senators or lawmakers are not allowed to consume food or drink while speaking on the floor. However, they can seek temporary relief from speaking by requesting a recess or yield the floor to another speaker. It is best to refer to the specific rules of the legislative body in question to determine their policies on drinking during a filibuster.

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