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Q: A plan that provides the rules for government is called a?
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A plan that provides rules for its government?

The Constitution makes the rules for government.

What is the name of the written plan that provides the rules for government?

A constitution is a set of written rules that sets down a plan on how to operate a government.

A plan that provides the rules for government is called?

the Constitution

What is a government plan of action called?

A plan of action adopted by a government is a policy.

Is constitution a plan of government?

A written plan of government is called a constitution.

The continental congress's plan for a central government was called?

The continental congress's plan for a central government is called Articles of Confederation. This is part of the government.

What is the written plan of government called in the US?

The plan is the US Constitution, which defines the government and its powers.

What was the name of the plan of government of the colonists who settled Plymouth Mass?

The plan of government was called the Mayflower Compact. The colonist realized they needed rules to govern themselves if they were to survive the new land. They drew up a written plan for government. Forty-one of the men aboard signed the Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Compact established a tradition of direct democracy.

What plan called for a stronger national government?

(Virginia Plan)

What kind of government does Salem have?

Salem's form of government is known as a Plan B Government. It provides for a Mayor, and a City Council of eleven members.

What is it called when you plan to overthrow the government?


What is the government's plan for raising money and spending for a year called?

Deficit plan