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replace it.

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Q: Your light onstick shift for over drive went out?
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What is OD warning light on Kia?

Over drive all Kia rio's run on overdrive automatically button to turn off OD is on your gear shift

Can you shift an automatic transmission from over drive to drive while the car is moving?

Yes, well I can do it on my car

OD symbol in Toyota Corolla 94 how do you turn it on?

There is a small button on the shift. Press it on or off position. A light in the instrument panel (O/D) will light up. It prevents the car from going into over drive mode.

2006 Chevy inpala wy do it shift the over drive at 30 35 miles and hour after you take off?

2006 Chevy inpala with 3.5 engine wy do it shift in over drive at 30 35 miles hour

What does the plus and - stick shift position mean on a 2006 Cadillac SRX?

its for manual shift, slide the shifter over when in drive and you push the shifter up to + to shift up and down to - to down shift

What are the Advantages of an automatic car over a manual car?

there is a stick shift

Do a 1994 jeep yj have a over drive gear?

Stick shift, yes. Automatic, no.

What does O D off mean on your ford ranger dash?

on yours shift knob that's when u shift from Park to drive in the center is a button when u press it once it its telling you that the over drive is either On or Off so all you have to do is press it again to get it in Overdrive or not in Over Drive

What is the use of the buttons on an automatic gear?

hmmm unlock to shift from park? Over drive off/on?

Do you drive with over drive trans on or off?

Overdrive is the normally allowed position , but unless the speed is higher it won't shift into overdrive anyway

My 93 Nissan Pathfiner transmission won't shift into over-drive what can I do to remedy this?

check the trans fluid