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I just assume you haven't checked the fuses yet. I had that problem and had to replace an expensive $60 fuse. That may have included labor. Check the fuses and see if you can buy one at your local auto parts store.

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Q: Your heater and defroster not working?
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Why the heater or defroster may not work in a 1993 Chevy Caprice Classic because of the heating core is going out.

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Yes they have a heater/defroster.

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probably heater core btw 8hrs have to remove whole dash

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This means that you have either an issue with a vacuum line or one of the a/c - heater doors behind the dash is not working correctly and you need to start off at the a/c - heater controller to check that all positions are working...........

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Replace your heater selector switch

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Ok..I figured it out. Turns out the rear defroster is the problem. When I unplugged it from the back windshield, blower/heater works great!! all those out there..if your blower motor blows fuses...check the blower motor first...then the HVAC and heater fuses, then rear defroster if you have a cavalier!

What makes your windows keep fogging up even with the defroster on a 1992 Bonneville?

Your heater core is leaking in it's housing box and blowing moist air through the heater/defroster. Try bardall radiator stop leak. If no help, install new heater core. Chuck.

Defroster smells like antifreeze Lincoln LS?

If you mean "why", then the answer is that there is a leak in the heater core.

Why are my windows fogging on the inside when i turn the defroster on in my truck?

The heater core is leaking coolant.

Why would your heater just quit blowing driving down the road?

The diverter, or blend, door, is not working properly, The door is either feeding the heat through the defroster, or closing the heat completely off.

What would be the problem for rear defogger not working on a expedition?

Check that the wire on the rear defroster is connected to the defroster. If broken off repair it.