There could be a leak that is seeping into the seating. Check the engine as well as the radiator to ensure there are no loose connections which could be affecting performance.
you need a tune up. oil filter, air filter, spark plugs, spark plug wires, etc.
It sounds like it is over fuelling. The auto choke may be stuck open? The ECU/AFM may be defective There may be a small leak in a fuel line.
Bad news: the converter is shot and they are not cheap. Good news: they are covered by a 10 year warranty so you won't be paying for it!
Sounds like you have a coolant leak.
It smells sweet -- of pancake syrup. Or celery seed...
purple it smells like grape you can drink it aswell : )
Possible heater coil.
Will idle rough and run rough at a steady speed, but run faily well under acceleration.
your truck is likely leaking coolant due to a blown head gasket making white smoke and coolant smell
more then likely you have a bad head gasket , or some other leak.
bad head gasket.
Sounds like your catalytic converter is getting plugged. The Rough idleing could also be apart of the IAC (Idle Air Control valve) being gunked up. Check the cats first, then if it continues to idle rough, take the IAC out and clean it with throttle body cleaner.