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Yes a thermostat will cause any vehicle to over heat, just go to local parts dealer and get thermostat and replace it and if that does not work take to SAE trained professional techination.

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Would a bad thermostat cause overheating in 1997 ford probe?

Yes a bad thermostat would cause overheating in any car. A thermostat regulates the temperature.

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Yes it can. A faulty thermostat can cause overheating which will cause coolant to be pushed out of the system.

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A likely cause for the overheating is the thermostat is stuck. The best option when this occurs is to buy a new thermostat and replace the old one.

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There are many reasons why a Jeep Wrangler is overheating. A leak in the radiator system will cause overheating. Too much pressure in the engine can cause overheating. A bad water pump or thermostat could cause overheating. The transmission can also cause overheating if it is leaking.

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you looked at it Timing out of adjustment can cause overheating.

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Check the thermostat. Another reason could be the head gaskets are blown.

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A bad thermostat can cause overheating in a Nissan Frontier when the air conditioning is turned on. A bad compressor can also cause this.

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A Nissan Frontier may be overheating because the radiator is cracked. A thermostat failure can also cause it to overheat.

What would cause a 1995 Dodge Intrepid to overheating if not the water pump?

Your thermostat is possibly not opening up. Replace and flush and then recheck. Good luck.