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Yes, along with numerous other sensors and solenoids along with any internal failures.

Yes, along with numerous other sensors and solenoids along with any internal failures.

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13y ago

Yes, along with numerous other sensors and solenoids along with any internal failures.

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Q: Would a speed sensor stop a transmission from shifting into third gear?
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Does the speed control sensor make the transmission change gears?

A "speed" sensor can affect the shifting of the trans.A "speed" sensor can affect the shifting of the trans.

What are symptoms of a bad transmission speed sensor?

A bad transmission speed sensor will result in the transmission not shifting at the proper times. The defective transmission speed sensor may also cause the vehicle not to idle properly.

2000 dodge ram van 1500 which sensor on transmission controls the shifting gears?

try the transmission ouput speed sensor

What does the input speed sensor on a 1999 Chrysler Concorde 3.2 do for the shifting of the the transmission?

The transmission computer uses it to know the rotating speed of the input shaft.

You get the code p0500 speed sensor will that effect your transmission in shifting and disengaging?

On most vehicles, yes.

2000 jeep automatic is not shifting correctly after it gets hot why?

A 2000 Jeep automatic that is not shifting correctly after it gets hot might have something wrong with the speed sensor that is located in the transmission. The speed sensor tells the transmission what gear to shift into at certain speeds.

Will a bad speed sensor on a 94 accord cause transmission to slip?

No.. They really have nothing in common. A speed sensor sends a signal from your transmission that is shown on your gauge in the dash. That is all the sensor does- it has nothing to do to my knowledge with the shifting functions

Why would your Nissan altima 97 auto transmission be shifting gears too early?

If the 1997 Nissan Altima with an automatic transmission is shifting gears too early, it could be that the shift solenoid for the transmission is faulty. Both the shift solenoid and the speed sensor on the transmission should be checked.

Why do a 2001 Saturn s series have two speed senors in the transmission?

The sensor located closest to the firewall is the vehicle speed sensor, This sensor tells the ECM how fast the car is moving, that information is than relayed to the speedometer in your instrument cluster. The speed sensor on the front of the transmission is a Turbine Speed sensor. The ECM watches the relation of the Turbine speed sensor to the shifting perimeters to make sure the transmission isn't slipping.

Location of the speed sensor on a 2001 f150 4x4 4r70w transmission?

drivers side above the shifting rod.

What would cause a 1996 Dodge Ram transmission to hesitate shifting into 3rd gear unless you let off the accelerator?

those had a problem with a vehicle speed sensor but your throttle position sensor can do it too

What will bad speed sensor cause the transmission to do on a 2002 dodge grand caravan?

Typically, a bad "speed sensor" will provide an incorrect voltage input to the vehicles computer. That, in hand, would cause a problem in the speed-o-meter reading, as well as shifting problems.