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yes... because you gonna loose water..

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Q: Would a bad radiator cap cause my temperature gauge to show hot?
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What is causing your temperature gauge to be in the cold position and radiator fluid to leak?

A low coolant level could cause the temp gauge not to read correctly. A faulty temp gauge sending unit could also be the cause. The coolant leak, you would have to find the source of the leak to determine the cause.

Where is Oldsmobile bravada's outside temperature gauge?

In front of the radiator

Why would water boil in your radiator but the temp gauge is at normal?

Because the temp gauge is not giving you the temperature of the water/steam in the radiator. You may have a bad head gasket or a cracked head causing the coolant to have that boiling effect.

Where location of temperature gauge of 1996 Chevy lumina?

on the side of the radiator

Engine temperature gauge reads high then normal?

i just put in a new radiator and now temperature gauge reads high but their are no leaks

What would cause the temperature gauge not to work on your 1998 Pontiac Sunfire?

temperature gauge not working can be caused by a bad temp sensor in engine, a bad gauge in dash, or a bad fuse

What would cause the temperature gauge to go up?

The car can begin to overheat because it is low on oil or antifreeze/coolant. Your radiator can also be acting up. It is best to address this as soon as possible and not to let it go.

What is the symbol for radiator on Renault scenic?

The symbol used on the Renault Scenic for a problem with the radiator is a thermometer. There should also be a temperature gauge on the dash that shows the current temperature of the radiator fluid.

Would antifreeze coming out of the overflow cause the temperature gauge not to work?

no you need to replace temperature sinding unit

Why could possibly cause the temperature gauge on a Nissan Maxima to raise after the car is idling for a couple of minutes?

You need to check the radiator and be sure it is full. It can be empty and the overflow tank full. If it is full then check and be sure the radiator cooling is working when the engine is at operating temperature.

What is it when the temperature gauge doenot rise and the radiator runs hot?

Broken Temp guage

What could cause an intermittent overheat reading on the dash temperature gauge if coolant temperature sensor and the thermostat are new and the water pump and radiator appear to be fine?

Head gasket. Do block test for gases in coolant