

Best Answer

I put a 455 in a regal.. and it was a snap. get the right mounts, i used factory steel from a 73 centurion 455. then used A body headers ,u half to drill new in the frame ... noithing will line up so dont bother trying.if all goes well for you, the reward is cant be be beat

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Q: Will a 455 engine fit in a 1986 buick regal?
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Where is the PVC connected to on a 455 buick engine?

Under the carburetor in the front.

Where is 1 cylinder on a 455 Buick?

#1 cylinder is on the front right side of the engine.

Which motor has the most horsepower a Pontiac 455 or Buick 455?

The Pontiac 455 came in 3 versions. Base, High Output, and Super Duty. The base 1970-71 engine produced 200 hp and 455 lb/ft torque. The Super Duty 1970-71 engine had 335 hp and 480 lb/ft torque. Power was reduced after 1971. The Buick 455 came in 2 versions. The 1970 Base engine had 350 hp and 510 lb/ft torque. The Stage 1 engine had 360 hp and 510 lb/ft torque. So as you can see the Buick was the more powerful engine by far.

What is the firing order for a 1970 buick 455 and where can i get a free diagram?

Check out There you will find all the info you need for your engine.

Will Oldsmobile 455 headers fit on a Buick 455?

No. they are different head designs.

Will a Buick 455 hei distributor fit a Buick 430?


Where is the fuel pump on a 455 buick engine?

Fuel injected? In the fuel tank Carb.? Lower front section of engine - follow fuel line from carb.

How do you replace distributor on 1973 Buick Riviera 455 engine from points to electronic?

Kit available at auto parts w/instructions

Can you replace a Buick 455 with a Pontiac 455?

Same block, should fir right in

How do you wire a 12 volt ignition in a Buick Skylark 455 engine?

Need to know what year the vehicle is and is it still a points car or is it electronic ignition.