03 Monte Carlo jerks when acerlerate from the stop
heater core
if both fans quit working, it could be as simple as the relay fuse going out. have your mechanic check these fuses.
Bad fuse?
You need a new flasher. I had the same problem & the unit needed replcement. They have had numerous problems w/ the flasher.
My turn signal stop working know my car will not start if the turn signal is up or down
Make sure there is vacuum goung into the cabin. It should go from the intake to a resirvoir which looks like a plastic ball then into the inside.
Sorry I can't help, but I have the same question on a 2001 Monte ........ my seat reclines past the first stop. Thanks
Possibly a defective Flasher Relay. Replace it. Can also be a turn signal switch going bad. You can try cleaning it with a spray electronic cleaner.
If it's interior heat you are talking about, it could be the thermostat. If you find your temp gauge is fluctuating all over the place, change the thermostat. If not, it could be your heater core. You could try flushing it out.
Local stop and go traffic (many starts)
Replace the blinker relay, located on the fuse panel. Buy it at any automotive parts dealer.