My Altima had that problem and it was the water pump going out. It started with temperature gauge was moving, but then it started leaking and finally the heater stopped being warm at idle.
If you are absolutely sure you do not have air trapped in your cooling system then you may have a defective gauge if you are getting heat through your heater. Usually I would say you have a coolant flow problem with either a stuck thermostat or a bad water pump but if you have heat from your heater, then you must have circulating coolant in your system. I would check the gauge or the sensor.
The heater core may be plugged or not flowing properly. This would not allow the water to flow properly to cool the motor. Also you may have a bad or loose ground wire to your heater switch, this will give you a false reading on the temperature gauge.
If the coolant level is okay, I would suspect a restricted heater core. Try flushing the heater core.
This would indicate that the system is low on coolant when the gauge is hot. Not enough coolant to service the heater core.
What are you talking about? My temperature gauge works fine. Though, if it wasn't I would check the temperature sending unit.
Have you noticed your engine temperature gauge running cooler than usual ? The thermostat for your engine cooling system could be sticking open
temperature gauge not working can be caused by a bad temp sensor in engine, a bad gauge in dash, or a bad fuse
You set a heater to a certain temperature and when it reaches that it turns off.
It could be that your heater core is blocked or damaged somehow.
First make sure you have the correct temp thermostat for your car. If you went with a cooler one, your heater won't work correctly. If you have the right thermostat, you probably have a bad heater control valve or your adjusting cable isn't connected. Check those things out. Your heater core could also be bad.............if the car is not overheating any more I would check that.
no you need to replace temperature sinding unit