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transmission filter not properly seated in the valve body, causing it to stall when engaging reverse gear, wouldnt have believed it if i personally hadnt experienced the exact same problem myself.

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Q: Why would the engine almost stall in a 1996 ford f150 5.0 when put into reverse?
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Why would an engine seem to almost stall when put in reverse but idle fine in park engine is 94 351 windsor?

Why would it stall or almost stall in Reverse but not in Drive? How long since it's received a tune-up and thorough check-up? How is the compression?

Why would a car stall in drive but not in reverse?

Because reverse is a lower ratio gear than drive and puts less load on the engine.

Why would a car stall shifting from park to reverse?

A car might stall when shifting from park to reverse if the idle is set too low. It is also possible that the engine stalls because it is not fully warmed up before shifting from park to reverse.

Why would my car almost stall when idling?

There are various reasons why your car would almost stall when idling. In most cases, this might be an indication of the engine lacking power or capacity due to the failure of the pistons. You should contact a mechanic to diagnose the problem.

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i have a 97 Catera and it stalls in either drive or reverse. idles fine for 30 minutes but shuts off almost instantly. replaced CPS and tightened all grounds. No change. but sometimes it will drive beautifully... an answer would be great. next step for me is to fix the valve cover leaks and check all connections and hoses. any help?

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The thermostat control engine temperature. If it fails the engine can run hot or cold - that would happen long before over-heating caused the engine to stall.

Why does your Ford F-250 stall when put in reverse?

No, that would indicate transmission problems, is it a standard or and auto?

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What can immediately rob an aircraft of all forward airspeed and lift resulting in uncontrolled descents?

That would be a wing stall, or just, 'stall'. This kind of stall has nothing to do with the aircraft's engine, if it has one.

Could your car stall from a loose spark plug?

If you have a loose spark plug, your car will not stall unless maybe your engine has 3 cylinders. If you have a 6 or 8 cylinder engine you would just loose some power and your engine would run a little rough.

Why would a 1992 Ford F-150 stall when put in reverse?

could possibly be the torque convertor. wiil it go if you give it some gas going from neutral to reverse or does it still stall ? check shift linkage for pinching a wire when shifted , good luck !