Is check engine light on ??? If so, Then you will have to scan engine with a engine scanner to find out whats going on .
It could be the fuel pressure regurlator blown, Are bad ingnetion module. Bad coolant sensor. Need to scan engine. Don't do no guess work cost to much money.
Both. It has fuel injectors and a throttle body.
Gas is not fed through the throttle body on a 1999. The fuel injectors are where the fuel is dispensed.
That vehicle would have throttle body fuel injection in which case it would have two fuel injectors.
Two injectors on a throttle body
A fuel injector pulse is the product of an electrical charge controlled by the ecm to briefly open an injector. If the engine is throttle body injected, you would find the injectors in the throttle body.
The fuel does not go to the throttle body it goes to the fuel injectors.
TBI.... Throttle Body Injection... The Injectors are right there in opening of the throttle body. There are not individual injectors for each cylinder. There 2 or 4 injectors that spray the gas right on top the throttle plate. The entire manifold is filled with the gas/air mixture.
If it has a carburator it cannot have injectors. If it has injectors it cannot have a carburator. Take the throttle body apart and clean it very well with carburator cleaner.
The fuel injectors will be located on a metal rail along the intake manifold. It could be a TBI (throttle body injection) The injector\injectors will be at the throttle body intake area. If this car still has a carburetor then it wont have injectors. Hope this helps you.
The 4.3L engine has two fuel injectors located in the throttle body.
just on the injectors
TBI stands for throttle Body Injection. This is when The fuel injectors are mounted on the throttle body. Some mistake the throttle body for a carburetor So the answer to your question is the fuel system.