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Two common reasons why an engine will crank over, but not start:

There is no spark.

There is no gasoline.

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Q: Why would a 1987 Chevy Celebrity turn over but not start?
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I had a 1987 Chevy Celebrity that would start and then immediately die. It turned out to be bad fuel injectors. I replaced three fuel injectors and the problem has not returned.

1989 Chevy Celebrity will start but stop?

My 1987 Chevy Celebrity with 2.8 V6 was doing the same thing. I cured the problem by replacing three dead fuel injectors.

Where is Map sensor on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity?

The MAP sensor on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity is mounted to the firewall near the right fender.

How can you get key out of ignition when the key is stuck the key will not turn and will not start engine and the steering is locked in a 1987 Chevy Celebrity?

I would replace the lock cylinder.

How do you set timing on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity?

The timing on y our 1987 Chevy Celebrity is controlled by the engine computer, there is no way provided to adjust it.

How do you set the idle on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity?

The idle speed on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity is controlled by the engine computer, there is no way provided to adjust it.

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Fuel injector filter on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity?

The fuel filter on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity is next to the fuel tank on the driver's side of the car/

Where is heater core located on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity?

The heater core in a 1987 Chevy Celebrity is in the heater plenum to the right of the hump and below the glove compartment.

Why does a 1987 Chevy Celebrity start up and run for about 10 minutes and then die and wont start for about another 10 minutes and then die again?

I had a similar experience with my 1987 Chevy Celebrity. In my car's case I replaced the ignition module and the crankshaft position sensor. Between the two the problem seems to be fixed.

How do you check the timing on a 1987 celebrity?

The timing on a 1987 Chevy Celebrity is controlled by the engine control module, there is no provision for adjustment.

What would cause a 1987 Chevy Celebrity to be running fine then lose power and not start up then start 15 minutes later?

Check your alternator switch , I had the same problem before , it was loos ..good luck