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Why won't the radiator fan start on my 1991 Dodge Caravan?

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Q: Why won't my radiator fan start on a 1991 dodge caravan?
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== == == == 4 cyl? or v6? generaly the water pump has the lower radiator hose connecter to it.

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If you are considering maintaining your 1991 Dodge Caravan some good websites to look at for parts are:

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thank you

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boom shacca lacca!

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How do you repair a 1991 Dodge Caravan LE ignition that will not start but the power items do come on?

Hey Jerry==It is probably in the starter solonoid. Good luckJoe

Why won't my 1991 dodge caravan crank?

start with the basics is the battery dead ? if not its most likely a starter problem .if the starter is fried you need a garage