Connect the power and unlock the shut drivers door with your key.
car wont start
Turn the key forward for ten min. then shut the key off then try to start it.
Need to replace the ignition switch.
Its a 94 Probe and my son stuck the key in tonight and the car wont turn on
Change the battery
Does it turn over? Does it turn over?
the car alarm will allow the car to start and run briefly then "shut down".
wrong key when using the remote starter the starter does't crank long enough to start the car. Starting the car with the key the car starts five. Could use some help.
u can shut off a car while its in gear u just wont be able to get the key out without it being in park and the sterring wheel may lock but u can shut a car off with it in gear
Insert the correct key into the ignition switch and start the engine. That should shut the alarm off.
You still need a key to enter a smart or hybrid car. What you do not need to start the engine in the same way as for a petrol or diesel engine. What you will need to do is enable the power on button in a smart car with the key to start the electric motor in the smart car.