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It doess that because the fuel pump is being shifted and the gas is being pressured causing a sudden jerk.

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Q: Why does your car jerk when you hit the gas while turning left?
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Why does your car jerk when you turn left?

It jerks because the gas tank is on the left side. When the tank isn't tightly screwed on it may hit the inside parts of the car causing it to jerk.

When turning left and an opposing car is turning right who has the right of way?

Car turning right has the right away. Car turning from left has to yield the right away to cars coming strait or turning right this is the law in all 50 states

Why does your car pull to the right 2001 s500 new a arm bolt came off while driving on a left turn and right front rim folded in to the left whil causeing your car to jerk to the right while happening?

If i understand the question: if the right front suspension collapses (a arm bolt falls out) in a left turn will the car jerk or pull to the right. Yes, this type of failure may cause loss of control to the right, injury, death and / or sever damage to the car.

Why is your car jerk to the right in a left turn?

Because the momentum of your car is going straight and when you go left your car tries to stay in that straight direction.

What causes your car to stall while turning?

If the car is starving for fuel or air (low power at idle), the car will stall while turning.

Why does my car jerk and act like it's going to choke out while idling in drive but runs fine in park or neutral?

change left side windo

Is there a law in Illinois concerning left hand turns in accidents stating that the car turning left is liable?

No. If the car turning left is in his proper lane and has the proper signal he is not liable.

Why does your car jerk after shifting?

The car is attempting to find the next gear, stopping the car while finding it, and then moving on.

When turning left at a green light and opposite car turning left and you cant see if there is a car on coming traffic do you turn left?

No, wait until you know it's safe to proceed.

What causes a car to jerk while driving?

What causes a car to jerk while driving can be based on many factors. A car can sputter due to engine compression issues, bad transmission, engine misfire, bad spark plugs or even low fuel.

When turning left which wheel of the car will lift?

Due to centrifugal force, when turning left, the left side of the car will life. The same goes for right handed turns. If turning right, the right side of your car will have less weight on it. The weight will always be on the outside of the curve. Hope this helps :)

Which tire will lift when car is turning right?

The left tire will lift if your turning right