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Can be a defective temperature sending unit. If you just chance the coolant can be air trapped in the cooling system. You would need to bleed all air from the system. Can also be a defective gauge, but highly unlikely.

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Q: Why does the temperature gauge act erratic goes from cold to hot quickly then drops to cool on a 1993 mercury villager?
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Is mercury soft when made and harden quickly?

mercury becomes liquid at room temperature

What helps a mercury in glass thermometer to respond quickly to change in temperature?

The thin glass tube and small bulb containing mercury in a mercury-in-glass thermometer allows for quick thermal equilibrium with the surrounding air. This design enables the mercury to rapidly expand or contract in response to temperature changes, causing the height of the mercury column to fluctuate and accurately indicate the temperature.

What should be done to enable a mercury in a glass thermometer to respond quickly to changes in temperature?

To enable a mercury in a glass thermometer to respond quickly to temperature changes, it should be designed with a thinner glass casing to improve thermal conductivity. Placing the thermometer in direct contact with the surface being measured can also help it respond faster. Lastly, ensuring that the mercury is free from air bubbles can improve its responsiveness to temperature fluctuations.

Why does the temperature gauge act erratic goes from cold to hot quickly then drops to cool When in red there is no heat from heater When in cool there is hot air from heater?

Low coolant, check when engine is cold.

Who is Mercury named after?

The Roman god Mercury was the wing-footed messenger of the gods. The element mercury, or "quicksilver", is a liquid at room temperature. The planet Mercury was named for the Roman god, because it went quickly around the Sun in its orbit. toatlly

Can you wear clothes on the planet mercury?

It is not possible to wear clothes on the planet Mercury as its surface temperature reaches extreme highs of about 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius), which is hot enough to melt many metals including lead.

Advantages of mercury in glass thermometer?

Advantages of mercury as a thermometric liquid. -It is a good conductor of heat and therefore the whole liquid reaches the temperature of the surroundings quickly. -It does not wet (cling to the sides of) the tube. -It has a high boiling point -It expands uniformly (linear expansion) and responds quickly to temperature changes, hence is sensitive. -It has a visible meniscus. Disadvantages -Mercury is very poisonous. -its expansively is fairly low -it is expensive -It has a high freezing point therefore it cannot be used in places where the temperature gets very low.

Why was mercury chosen to be in a thermometer?

Mercury was chosen for thermometers because it has a high coefficient of expansion, meaning it is very sensitive to temperature changes and quickly expands or contracts. This makes it able to accurately indicate slight variations in temperature. Additionally, mercury remains liquid over a wide range of temperatures, making it suitable for use in thermometers.

Why do you use mercury in thermometers if it is not a good conductor of heat?

Mercury is used in thermometers due to its unique physical properties, such as its high coefficient of thermal expansion, allowing it to rise and fall quickly with temperature changes. While it is not the best conductor of heat, its responsiveness to temperature makes it well-suited for measuring small temperature variations accurately.

Does the planet Mercury have oceans?

There are no lakes, oceans or other bodies of water on Mercury. The temperature at the equator is near 800 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and -280 degrees at night as the planet has no atmosphere with which to contain the temperature. Any water on the surface of Mercury would boil away quickly and escape into space because of Mercury's low gravity, and the constantly blowing solar wind.

What are the properties which make mercury suitable for clinical thermometer?

Mercury is a good conductor of heat, allowing it to quickly reflect changes in temperature inside the thermometer. It has a wide range between its freezing and boiling points, making it suitable for measuring human body temperature. Lastly, mercury is non-toxic and easily visible, making it safe for clinical use.

Why does the temperature on mercury get as hot as 648ΒΊF?

Mercury has a thin atmosphere that cannot retain heat well, causing significant temperature fluctuations between day and night. During the day, the lack of atmosphere allows the surface to absorb heat quickly, leading to extreme temperatures.