If it doesn't blow at all, and/or you only feel a small amount of air coming through the vents (not forced), it may be the blower motor switch. I changed out mine for under $10. The local dealer had a new switch for $5. I had to buy a tool to remove the Ford factory radio at a regular auto parts store for another $5. The whole operation is in FaqFarm somewhere (I added it after I figured it out myself), but here's what you need to do in general... Use the radio tool by putting one U-shaped piece into the left side of the radio (you'll see where the tool should fit) and one into the right side. Pinch them away from each other and the radio will slide out. Unhook wires as needed to get it out of the way. Remember where they go or you won't have tunes when you're done! Then reach down to the back of the heater switch. I think there was one screw that needed to be loosened or removed, but essentially the switch is just a little twist-lock sort of fitting with a wire or two on the back. Wiggle the bad one out, the good one in, rehook the wires, rewire the radio and slide the radio back in. That's the very, very simple version. It took me about 15 minutes on a cold winter day. Not a big deal once you get the radio out of the way and you can see what's going on behind the switches. Good luck.
heater blower resistor has to be replaced. you have to remove glove boxthe resistor is to the right of the heater blower moter
A broken fan heater can not work and A FORD Foucs does not run
Replace blower motor resistor usually located in the duct work or out in engine compartment in ductwork by heater motor.
Check your fuse boxes.
its the blower resistor.
Blown fuse, defective blower motor resistor pack, defective blower motor, a bad switch, or disconnected or loose wiring.
Depends on what you mean by heater will not work. If the blower motor will not work, it can be a blown fuse, bad blower motor, bad blower motor switch, or a defective blower motor resistor pack. If you mean that the blower motor works but there is no heat, then it can be a clogged heater core, thermostat stuck open, or defective heater control valve.
Maybe it's bad. Have you tried changing it? Sound logical to me.
Check the 30 amp Blower fuse. If not that check the fan relay, if not that check the blower motor directly from a jump on the fan itself.
There might be a bad fuse causing the heater to not work. Check the fuses if they are all ok you may have a bad blower motor. when you turn the heater on and no air is blowing then it is your blower motor.
You most likely will have a bad blower resister........
replace heater relay and or heater blower motor