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You have an alignment problem. Possible problems that help with this are tires, brakes.

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Q: Why does a car pull to the right when driving?
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If your front right tire blows while driving which way will the car pull?

To the right

While driving What causes car to pull to the right?

most likely the car's tires are out of alignment, or you have a slack tire.

Can you hit the highway with your car pulling to the right while driving?

It depends on how hard the pull is. It would be safest to get your vehicle fixed before getting on the highway.

Why does your car pull to the right 2001 s500 new a arm bolt came off while driving on a left turn and right front rim folded in to the left whil causeing your car to jerk to the right while happening?

If i understand the question: if the right front suspension collapses (a arm bolt falls out) in a left turn will the car jerk or pull to the right. Yes, this type of failure may cause loss of control to the right, injury, death and / or sever damage to the car.

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Pull over and put it down.

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Pull over and clean it up!

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pull over and call for help

If your car catches on fire while driving the first thing you should do is .?

Pull over

Why would the steering on a 99 Grand Am be loose on right turns and why would the car pull to the right when driving?

This could be a number of things from the air pressure to a bent or busted mount. Your best bet is to look at it. If you see the issue fix it if not take it to the pros.

Is a right side driving car illegal?

No. Just impractical in the US.

Where is kelis?

shes in her car driving passed Costco right now

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why does my car pull to the right when accelerating and pulles to the left when easy off acceleration