sounds like it is need of a tune up.
Replace the plug wires
If the car is have issues accelerating it may be running to lean. Ensure the engine is using the proper air to fuel mixture so the car will not run lean.
This car is equipped with a Supercharger. All superchargers whine. This is normal and is inherently something you live with when you drive a car equipped with a supercharger.
Type your answer here... Your Mass Air FLow sensor might need to be replaced, its going bad.
800-1200 rpm
maybe a stick
The rpm of the engine - revolutions per minute
One clunk when accelerating (but now repeated clunks) and another when braking can be caused by broken motor mounts.
Your car if its a stick is not pulling out of gear all the way and your moter overrevs
That is about your average idle RPM. It depends on what car you have and the age of your car. If it bothers you, i'd recommend going to a place that fixes cars.