It is probably your fuel sending unit gone bad. Have seen multiple posts on this problem.
either the guage is malfunctioning or the fuel pump sending unit is stuck.
To fix the 1998 Honda passport odometer, simply take it to a professional mechanic or refer to the service and user manual.
The right side cylinders may not be firing on a 1998 Honda Passport because there is a problem with the main relay.
The owner's manual for a 1998 Honda Passport is available for download on the official Honda website. Specifications and warranties are available as well.
Shift solenoids are found on the transmission of the 1998 Honda Passport. The shift solenoids allow for smooth operation of the transmission when passing through the gears.
The library is a great source.
detach it from the batter ...
The power steering fluid reservoir on a 1998 Honda Passport is found on the driver side of the engine bay. It is located in front of the brake master cylinder reservoir.
show diagram show diagram
It holds about 20 gallons of gas
The recommended ATF is Dexron III (can also use Honda Genuine ATF-Z1)
The timing is controlled by the computer. There are no adjustments for the timing