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Q: Why did Henry ford paid his workers so well?
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How did Henry Ford treat his workers?

Henry Ford treated his workers fairly well. Ford paid his workers $5 which was huge for the time period

How did Henry Ford help build the middle class?

he paid his workers well so they could afford cars

Why did Henry Ford pay hes workers so well?

He didn’t want them to join unions, and he wanted them to be able to buy Ford products.

How did Henry Ford create the Ford factory?

Well, Henry Ford started the Henry Ford Company, which is what it was first called. Then, with all the sales he made, financers helped pay for Ford company.

Why did Henry Ford pay his workers so well?

He didn't want them to join unions, and he wanted them to be able buy Ford products.

What evidence supports the conclusion that Henry ford cared about the quality of life of his workers?

Henry Ford implemented the five-dollar day wage for his workers, which was double the industry norm at the time, to improve their standard of living and reduce turnover. He also reduced the workday to eight hours, contributing to a healthier work-life balance for employees. Additionally, Ford introduced initiatives such as the sociological department to support workers' well-being and provided recreational facilities in his factories.

Do workers in Africa get well paid for picking cotton?

They get paid in cotton. It depends on weather the cotton is of good quality.

The purpose of henry ford's sociological department was to?

Henry Ford's sociological department aimed to study and improve the social welfare of his employees. It focused on addressing issues such as employee well-being, job satisfaction, and community development. The department also played a role in shaping Ford's approach to labor relations and corporate social responsibility.

Who do you think was the individual most responsible for the growth of the automobile industry was?

The individual most responsible for the growth of the automotive industry is Henry Ford. He created the concept of the assembly line, and paid his workers well so they would do a good job. I agree that Henry Ford had much to do with the growth of the automobile industry but he did not create the concept of the assembly line. That distinction goes to Ransom E. Olds. The Curved Dash Olds was the first mass produced car from an assembly line. 19,000 were produced between 1901 and 1907.

Who loaned Henry ford money?

=I did. And i think Jimmy Job Balooba did as well.=

Henry Ford's schooling?

He attended the local public schools as well as a private grammer school, he droped out when he was 15 to work on his Dad's farm.

What did Henry Ford accomplish in 1900?

Henry Ford invented the first car, as well as Ford Motor Company. The first model car he invented was the T-model car. This was the first mass-produced car in the world.