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He didn't want them to join unions, and he wanted them to be able buy Ford products.

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Harley Cassin

Lvl 10
2y ago

He didn't want them to join unions, and he wanted them to be able buy Ford products.

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Germaine Erdman

Lvl 10
3y ago

he didn't want them to join a union

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Why did Henry Ford pay hes workers so well?

He didn’t want them to join unions, and he wanted them to be able to buy Ford products.

Why did Henry ford pay his workers 5 a day?

he was able to hire the best mechanics.

How did Henry Ford create the Ford factory?

Well, Henry Ford started the Henry Ford Company, which is what it was first called. Then, with all the sales he made, financers helped pay for Ford company.

How much did Henry ford pay his workers?

he didn't want them to join unions and he wanted them to join the middle class

What evidence supports the conclusion that Henry ford cared about the quality of life of his workers?

Henry Ford implemented the five-dollar day wage for his workers, which was double the industry norm at the time, to improve their standard of living and reduce turnover. He also reduced the workday to eight hours, contributing to a healthier work-life balance for employees. Additionally, Ford introduced initiatives such as the sociological department to support workers' well-being and provided recreational facilities in his factories.

How much did Henry Ford pay his work force in 1900?

He had no real workforce in 1900 and had no company. Ford Motor Company was not founded until 1903. He originally paid Ford workers $2.50 per day but doubled that to $5.00 per day in 1914. This was a very high pay scale for that time in history.

In 1914 who cut the workday from 9 to 8 hours and raised daily pay from 2.34 to 5 but only for workers whose morals passed muster with the company's Sociological Department?

Henry Ford

Why is the Lincoln Company now the Lincoln Motor Company?

The Lincoln Motor Company was founded in 1917 by Henry Leland. It was sold to Henry Ford in 1922 to Henry Ford to pay off debts.

What impact did Henry Ford had Michigan?

He had a huge impact. He took the assembly line and perfected it. By doing so he was able to pay his workers, the unheard of at the time, sum of $5 per day. Ford employed over 14,000 workers in Detroit and by making his cars so cheap almost every worker owned a Ford Model T. His impact on the state of Michigan is still felt today.

What was it that made Henry fords company successful?

Henry Ford's company( Ford Motor Company) was the first companies which built cars on a mass production line. Although this company was not the first to use mass production it revolutionised the car industry as well as helping pave the way for mass production to become a standard thing for companies to do. Henry ford realised that it would be cheaper to mass produce cars and as long as the cars sold (which they did) the profit would be larger meaning he could pay staff more and get a better quality of workers. The main points that made it successful was that the cars were cheaper than the other models out at the time and Henry Ford himself was very good at gaining publicity.

What was Henry Ford's problem as an entrepreneur?

As an entrepreneur Henry Ford faced the problem of high turnover rates in his factory due to the long hours his employees had to put in. He worked through this problem by increasing the rate of pay and benefit packages he offered his employees.

Who decides how much to pay the workers in capitalizm?

The workers get pay $4.20 after a 70 hour week