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My '97 Grand Caravan had a similar problem not at all due related to an electrical matter. The cheap plastic lenses covering the headlamp bulbs are the culprit here perhaps. Age, sunlight grit and dirt have caused the headlights of many of our modern cars to lose their night vision. Now don't laugh or think me foolish but I do have a cheap fix it for these 'dirty lenses'. It has worked for me and with a bit of "elbow grease" it will work for you also. If your headlights are dimmed with ground in dirt you can grind it out with toothpaste and a small bit of water. This will usually get most of the dirt out, but if your lenses are badly aged you may need to begin your effort with a very fine steel wool or even sandpaper and then progress to toothpaste and water. If there remains some toothpaste scratches in the lens giving a foggy haze to the lens you can buff much of this out with a rough burlap cloth or piece of hemp rope. Last touch is an application of "Mop and Glo" kitchen floor wax (it has the polymers within it that will fill in the smallest of your clean remaining scratches. Thirty minutes of your time at this effort will save you the mighty cost of replacing the whole assembly! Because headlamps draw a lot of current they require a good electrical circuit, I would inspect and trace the grounds to the headlamps to insure they are good. Sometimes an auxillary ground strap between the body to engine can help a lot. Also the headlamp switch may be going bad and causing this problem. Also, check with your local Dodge deler; this may be a problem that is common on your model and there may be a service bulletin that your local dealer has received that may help you.

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Q: Why are the headlights not bright at all on 1997 dodge grand caravan and what should they be replaced with so you can see properly driving in the dark?
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Replace Headlight?

form_title=Headlight Replacement form_header=Driving with a broken headlight limits your visibility while driving at night. If your headlight is broken or burnt out, get it replaced immediately. Are you interested in standard, or high intensity beams?= {Yes,No,Not Sure} What is the year, make and model of your vehicle?=_ When was the last time you replaced your headlights?=_ Do you do mostly city or country driving?= {(),City,Country,Both,Not Sure}

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while driving my dodge caravan i had flickering head lights smelled wire burning when i played with switch i would get lights back but would not stay i changed the switch still no headlights can you?

If you have flickering lights and smell wires burning in your Dodge Caravan, you need to get that checked out by a professional. This actually happened to me once too and my van started on fire, it was horrible.

How much is the ticket if driving without headlights at night?

well 1 headlight will just be a 5 day fix-it most likely, if you are driving with no headlights at night you're goign to have a problem....