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Because they just arnt.

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Q: Why are holdens better then fords?
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Why are holdens better than Fords?

Who told you Holdens are better than Fords. That is a debatable conclusion.

What is a safer car Holden or Ford?

Holden of course. Holden is the first car in Australia to have ESP standard on every model in the commodores. Holdens are stronger than fords, Holdens will withstand nearly everything on road etc. Fords don't even have a chance. Holdens are more safer then Fords. That's a load!! how many fords have you seen on the side of the road billowing with smoke... 0. and u've seen at 75 holdens

What is more popular chevys or Fords?

i think fords are better

Why is Fords better than holdens?

Ford is way better than Holden because of the speed and brakes and those kind of stuff.On Holden there is this engine part where it is not that fast and on Ford they don't have that.So honestly Ford is better. Could not have said it better

When was Holdens Brewery created?

Holdens Brewery was created in 1915.

Discuss Holdens obsession with phoniness?

holdens a tool dont worry about it

What is the fastest Holdens speed limit?

The fastest holdens speed limit is 455!!!

Why do people like Dodge?

because there better then fords!!

How does performance of diesel Fords compared to standard petrol Fords?

Diesel Fords are superior to standard petrol Fords in that they are better economically - they travel farther on a single gallon of fuel. However, petrol Fords are generally much cheaper, and are better for those that live in the city or do minimal amounts of driving. This is because diesel fuel works optimally over drives that are 10 minutes or longer.

Why are holdens better then Ford cause they are?

That is just your opinion. Some people think Ford is better. The truth is they are both great vehicles and it is just a matter of opinion.

Which is better a Chevrolet or a ford?

A Chevy may appear better at times but later on down the road it's really not . All that it really is, is that fords are made with better parts and quality parts at that,which makes them run longer,and better.Basically fords are better hands down.

What is flo rida family like?

they r cool just like fords unlike chevys dodges are ok but fords r still way better