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Q: Who first used an assembly line?
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Related questions

Who was responsible for the first assembley line?

Ransome E. Old was responsible for the first assembly line, but Henry Ford made the first MOVING assembly line.

Who introduced assembly line production?

Henry Ford perfected the assembly line but he did not invent it. The modern assembly line and it's basic concept is credited to Ransom Olds who used it to build the first mass produced automobile, the Oldsmobile Curved Dash. Olds patented the assembly line concept in 1901.

Which American industrialist first used the assembly line to manufacture cars?

Ransom E. Olds mass produced the Curved Dash Olds Runabout from 1901 to 1904 on an assembly line.

When did Henry ford start building the assembly line?

Henry Ford was first who had used assembly line method of production. His Model T was first car manufactured this way.

How old was Henry ford when he invented the moving assembly line?

Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line. The modern assembly line and its basic concept is credited to Ransome Olds, who used it to build the first mass-produced automobile, the Oldsmobile Curved Dash, beginning in 1901.

Who was the first user of assembly line technology?

ford as in ford automotive in detriot he made the assembly line famous.

Where was the first assembly line invented?


Did Henry ford invent the assembly line?

No, he didn't. Ransome E. Olds invented the first assembly line. However, Henry Ford did create the first MOVING assembly line by adding conveyor belts to Old's model.

In the American history what shortages lead to the formation of the assembly line?

The shortage of workers led to the formation of the assembly line. Henry Ford was a pioneer who used the assembly line in his manufacturing.

What assembly line was first used in automobile manufacturing?

Henry Ford, now knowen as the Ford motor company.

How did Henry ford change the ways car were made?

Henry Ford used assembly lines.

Who inventor the first assembly line?

henry Ford.