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U.S. Taxpayers.

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Q: Who bailed out Chrysler?
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Related questions

Who was the first automobile company bailout by the government?

chrysler was bailed out in the 80's.

Has the government given a bail out for Chrysler to get out of debt?

The government bailed out all major American car companies except for Ford. Chrysler and GMC both got significant bailouts.

Automobile company helped financially by the federal government?

Chrysler and General Motors were both bailed out by the United States and Canadian governments.

When was Bailed Up created?

Bailed Up was created in 1895.

How do find out who bailed out someone out of jail?

The fact that someone IS bailed out is a public record. The information as to who bailed them out usually is NOT.

Who bailed Chris Brown out of jail?

Chris bailed himself out of jailllll!!!!!

Who bailed out Triple H?

Stephanie McMahon bailed out triple h

Who bailed Rosa park out of jail?

She was bailed out by Edgar Nixon and Clifford and Virginia Durr.

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What are the release dates for Jailed and Bailed - 1923?

Jailed and Bailed - 1923 was released on: USA: 11 February 1923

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Which of the major banks were bailed out by the federal government?

AIG was the main bank that was bailed out by the government. It is outrageous that we pay taxes for multi billion dollar corporations to be bailed out. The government did not bail them out, we did. It is our hard earned money going to work I guess.