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It is not the car that makes it safer, it's actually down to the driver and their experience, driving style, etc.

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Q: Which car is safer?
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Statistically plane travel is safer.

Why bigger car is safer then small car?

it is thicker

Is buying a new car or used safer?

It is safer to buy a new car, but generally it depends on the type of car. The model will help determine this answer as well. A newer model would be safer, even if it's used.

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no they have no protection on them so a car would be much safer.

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As far as air travel being safer then travelling by car, in deaths per passenger-mile ... yes. almost any form of transportation is safer than going by car.

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at rest

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car, it creates more friction

What is the difference between car and bicycle?

a car is faster and much safer then a bicycle. your welcome

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Not really it depends on your driving skill

What are the two reason that a big car are safer than a small car?

More space and conviniant

is a van safer than a car to drive?

That (van safer than a car) depends on the car and the van. Small cars are definitely NOT safer. Large cars are probably safer, vans are top heavy and so are less stable in cornering. Vans also have a large surface area which high crosswinds, air from passing large trucks (18 wheelers), can push the van into possible unstable conditions.