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we have a 94 and and a 97, same part but the 94 has it behind the radio and the 97 if i remember correctly is located behind the glove box insert, good luck

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Q: Where is the wiper intermittent pulse board in a 1996 dodge b2500 van 3.9L?
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What does the windshield wiper pulse board do?

The pulse board is what controls the intermitent wipers. It is also prone to failing at the most inopertune times in some chevrolets when it gets wet.

Where is the pulse board on a 1998 Chevy s10 wiper motor?

It is attached directly to the wiper motor. Remove the three small screws that hold a black plastic cover on the wiper motor. The pulse board is under that cover. Most of your wiper motor problems are from a faulty pulse board.

How do you repair intermittent wiper switch on 96 s10 blazer?

If you are having trouble with the wipers, chances are it is the wiper pulse board that is attached to the wiper motor. This part is available from your local auto parts store and is relatively easy to replace. The part should cost aprox $25-$30.

How do you replace the wiper motor on 1998 Chevy S10?

I have found that most S10 (GM) wiper motor trouble is caused by a faulty pulse board, not the motor itself. It is easy to replace and your local auto parts store can sell you an aftermarket pulse board for aprox $20. The wiper motor does not have to be removed to change the pulse board. Unplug the wire harness from the motor, remove the three small screws holding the cover to expose the pulse board then wiggle the board straight out. Reverse order to install.

Why would the delay wipers on a new wiper motor not work on your 1998 Chevy s10?

In my experience it is rarely the wiper motor at fault, it is always a faulty pulse board. Your local auto parts store can sell you an aftermarket pulse board that will outlast the GM original. The pulse board can be easily changed without removing the wiper motor from the vehicle.

Where is the pulse board located on a 1997 GMC Sierra?

On top of wiper motor

Where is the pulse module control board located on 2003 Chevy s10?

Inside the wiper motor. Easy to change without removing the wiper motor. Unplug the harness connected to the wiper motor, remove the three small screws that hold a black plastic cover on the front of the wiper motor, remove the cover, remove the pulse board. The pulse board is available from your local auto parts store.

Where is the windshield wiper pulse board located on a 2001 Chevy Tahoe?

It is attached to the wiper motor.

Where is the pulse module control board located on a 98 s-10?

It is attached to the wiper motor. The pulse board can be changed without removing the wiper motor. Unplug wire harness to wiper motor, remove the three small screws that holds the black plastic cover, remove cover, gently pull out the board.