Generally they are located on or very near the steering column. If one side of the turn signals still work, turn it on ,get under the dash, and follow the noise.The 4 way flasher is a separate system in all cars but they use similar flashers..1930fcoupe
Edit: They aren't separate systems in all cars. Even when they are separate switches if one is shot the other one may often stop working due to the broken connection in the relay.
The 2002 Geo Tracker flasher relay switch is located beneath the dashboard, on the driver side of the passenger compartment. The flasher relay switch simply plugs in and out.
The turn signal flasher relay switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The turn signal flasher relay switch will be to the left of the brake pedal.
The 1994 Toyota Corolla signal flasher relay switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The signal flasher relay switch will be above the accelerator pedal.
The 1995 Mercury Villager turn signal relay switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The turn signal relay switch will be left of the brake pedal.
The 2001 Mitsubishi signal flasher relay switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The signal flasher relay switch will be above the accelerator pedal.
The turn signal relay switch, on your 1995 GMC, is located beneath the dashboard on the drivers side. The relay switch simply plugs in and unplugs.
The 1998 Toyota signal relay switch is located below the dashboard, on the drivers side. The signal switch simply plugs in and out.
The turn signal flasher relay switch is located beneath the dashboard, on the drivers side. The relay switch simply plugs in.
The 1988 Ford Taurus turn signal flasher relay switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The turn signal flasher relay switch will be above the brake pedal.
The 2001 Kia signal flasher relay switch can be found beneath the drivers side dashboard. The signal flasher relay switch will be above the brake pedal.
The 1999 Dodge Avenger signal flasher relay switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The signal flasher relay switch will be between the gas pedal and the brake pedal.
The 1998 Nissan Frontier pickup truck turn signal relay switch is located beneath the drivers side dashboard. The turn signal relay switch will be above the brake pedal.