It is on the throttle plate opposite of the bellcrank.
The Throttle Position Sensor is located on the throttle body on the opposite side of the accelerator cables.
It is very possible that the throttle plate is dirty and causing the throttle to hang up.
on left side motor under throttle body look at top rad hose
Chevy Lumina has not the carborator.
Where is the computer on a 95 Chevy lumina
What sensor?? most are held on with screws..
how to change rotors on a 2001 Chevy lumina
Its located under the throttle body or follow the upper radiator hose til it hits a semi round housing. There is 2 bolts to remove it. First you have to drain the radiator fluid of course. I am changing the thermostat right now on my 2001 Chevy lumina and I see I will have to also remove the throttle body to get to the thermostat housing
Where is the low cooling censor located on a 2001 Chevy Malibu?
where is the transmission censor located on a 1997 Chevy cheyenne truck