To change the temperature sensor on a Peugeot 206, look at the underside of the passenger door mirror. There is a small black plastic bump sticking out of a hole in the mirror body. Remove the cover from the rear of the mirror and attach the new sensor.
it's the box attached to the windscreen behind the rear view mirror
front 16.5cm or 165mm rear 13cm or 130mm and the mirrror tweeters are 22.5mm or 2.25cm.
servis control
There is no fuse for the O2 sensor.
14 Inch
A similar car to the Peugeot 206 is the Peugeot 205 which the Peugeot 206 is modeled after with minor modifications and upgrades from the Peugeot 205 to the Peugeot 206.
32psi front and rear
how to remove and fit rear brake shoes on a peugeot 206 1.1
How to disable Peugeot 206 immobilizer?
Peugeot have two types of IAT sensors. This first sensor for IAT is combined with the MAP sensor. The second IAT sensor for the GTi & GTi 180's are separate entitties and are located at the top of the throttle body.