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In '97 it's located in the exhaust pipe right near the Cat Conv, I just saw it last week when mine was in the air. Could it still be in the same place or near there in 2000? It's worth a look. If you can't get your' up on a lift, just try and find a curb and drive so the car is part on the road and part on the curb side and then you've got lots of space to climb under. Hope your search is fruitful.

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Q: Where is the number 2 O2 sensor on a 2000 Tracker?
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O2 sensor? Hey its a part and parts wear out. Oil additives or fuel additives can ruin an O2 sensor as well.

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See related link which includes instructions for testing any O2 sensor.

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All O2 sensors are screwed into the exhaust system.

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The check engine light would illuminate and set a code for the bad O2 sensor.

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You don't. Buy the correct sensor.