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There is two of them uder the intake

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Q: Where is the knock sensor located on a 2002 Chevy suburban?
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Where is the knock sensor on a 2000 Chevy Suburban?

The knock sensors(2) are in the valley pan beneath the intake manifold

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Yes it will leak out of the hole that the sensor is screewed into.

Where is the knock sensor for a 93 cavalier located?

The knock sensor for the 1993 Chevy Cavalier is located in the back of the motor. It can also be located in the engine valve.

Where is the knock sensor located chevy silverado 4.8 2002?

The knock sensor is located on top of the block in a 4.8 2002 engine. The intake will have to be removed to get to the sensor.

Where is the knock sensor on a 1999 Chevy suburban 5.7 engine?

It is over by the starter, and screewed into the engine block.

Where is the knock sensor on a 1987 Chevy Suburban 5.7 engine?

Passenger side of block just above the starter

How many knock sensors are on a 2001 Chevrolet suburban?

The 2001 Chevrolet Suburban is equipped with one knock sensor. The knock sensor will be attached to the back of the engine.

Where is the knock sensor located on 1989 Chevy Caprice?

It is located on the side of the Engine block.

Where is the knock sensor on a Chevy s-10 4.3l?

Knock sensor is located in block below rt.[ pasasenger] side motor mount.

Where is the knock sensor located on 2005 Chevy Avalanche?

There are two knock sensors, they are both located under the upper intake manifold.