In behind the glovebox.
Easily accessible and an easy replacement if one fails.
See "Related Questions" below for diagnosing blower problems, fuses, how-to replace and more...
do u have a diragram
LOTS - it is virtually inaccessible .
it should, unless there was a major body style change between the 2 years.
Not if it's a V6. It will fit in a Ford Taurus.
where is the blower motor resistor located on a ford e250 2001
The 2001 Ford Taurus has 12 valves.
The 2001 Ford Taurus has a V6 engine.
Where is the fuel module on a ford taurus 2001
The 2001 Ford Taurus has a 4-speed automatic.
The 2001 Ford Taurus is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2001 Ford Taurus has overhead valves (OHV).
will a2003 door fit a 2001 Ford Taurus If I am correct most parts from Ford Taurus 2001-07 are interchangeable .