passenger side rocker arm panel
Open the drivers door and look at the lower dash and you will see a panel that can be removed and that is where you will find the fuse.
When you open the drivers' door and you look to the left of the dashboard you will see a small panel that has to be popped out, that is where the fuse is.
in the panel located on side of dashboard open drivers door to see it
Lower left side of the dash, small panel that you pull off and that is where the fuse will be found.
Drivers side interior side of dash little panel pop it out
Driver's side, door open, side of the dash, small panel.
Inside the car by the hood prop latch...The haynes manual says there is a fuse block under the hood but I cant find it...
fuse for what circuit ?
Where to find the horn relay fuse for a 93 Lincoln Mark VIII
Behind the panel, drivers' side lower left hand side of the dash, fuse #12, yellow, 20 amp. far right and middle of the fuse box.
It should be in the small panel, drivers' side left of where your feet go in the driving position.