The fuse box is located under the driverside above the emergency break pedal...
The fuse that controls the fuel pump, on your 1998 Ford expedition, is located in the fuse box in the engine compartment. A diagram outlining each fuse is located on the inside of the fuse box cover.
Fuse # 3 is a 25 amp fuse for the cigarrette lighter in a 1998 Ford Expedition
The 1998 Ford Expedition headlight relay switch is located in the fuse box. The fuse box can be found in the engine compartment. The headlight relay switch will be in the third column.
where is the power window relay 1998 ford expedition
In the fuse panel located below and to the left of the steering wheel by the brake pedal , in location # 1 - 15 amp - flasher relay ( according to the 1998 Expedition owners manual )
where is the fuses for the factory amp in a 1998 ford expedition
Type your answer here... looking for the mega fuse box for alternator on a 1998 ford Expidition
fuse panel schedule 1998 Ford Expedition fuse panels diagram and location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can view the 1998 Ford Expedition owners manual online at : www . motorcraft service . com ( no spaces ) Click on Owner Guides ( the fuses and relays section starts on page 128 ) Helpfull
The passenger compartment fuse box is located below and to the left of the steering wheel , by the brake pedal on a 2000 Ford Expedition
( # 3 ) is a 25 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter in a 1998 Ford Expedition
According to the 1998 Ford Expedition Owner Guide : The fuse panel is below and to the left of the steering wheel , by the brake pedal Also , the Power Distribution Box ( which is " live " ) is located in the engine compartment , on the drivers side of the engine compartment
Fuse ( # 3 ) is a 25 amp fuse for the cigar lighter on a 1997 Ford Expedition ( located in the fuse ( junction ) box under the drivers side of the dash )