Good question, I like it that you included that its a 4Cylinder, most people just assume that we automatically know them and their car... it is located on the driver side fender... and is the 2nd one back. I am also the proud owner of a 92 Dodge Spirit, i would be prouder if the trans didnt die on me :D dang torque converter killed everything.
1992 Dodge Dakota Fuel Relay location?
It should be... unless someone messed with the car, on the driver side fender... 2nd one from ya
It is not a direct fit.
I have a 1992 Dodge Spirit and it doesnt have an Egr Valve, but that's for the basic spirit, if you have an es, or anything, it will be located on the Intake Manifold. Its not hard to spot cause they usually say EGR across the top of it.
The headlight relay is a round, grey thing on the fuse box... just pop the pannel off to the fuse box and there it is... i also have a 92 Spirit and i have to take a screw driving and lower the entire kick pannel before i can get to it, real tight spot but its easy to locate and see.
front wheel drive
The 1992 Dodge 150 fuel pump relay switch can be found in the fuse box. The fuel pump relay switch will be in the third column, third from the top.
You add transmission fluid down the transmission dipstick hole.
It is in the fuel tank.
You must drop the fuel tank.
Well I don't know about yours, but my owners manual for my 1992 Dodge Spirit with a 3.0L V6, 3-speed automatic transmission says that it has a 60 L tank. Hope that helps.
have the cooling fans checked out.